Website Project Approval

Cooking Logo

Website basics

  1. What is the purpose of the site?

    The purpose of this site is to share easy and cheap recipes that I love making.

  2. What do you want the web site to accomplish?

    I want to help other learn how to make simple recipes everywhere.

  3. Who is your intended audience? Please do not say “everyone”

    Ideally I think these recipes would be good for college students or anyone in need of a fairly easy reciepe that is cheap and fun to make.

  4. What type of content might be included in your site?

    I will not only share the recipe but also simple step by step instructions and with images along the way.

  5. What will be unique about the content of your website?

    My goal is to make the website easy to read and have the ingredients and steps written together with clear step numbers.